
Don't Ignore Your Window of Opportunity

People tend to wait for the proverbial 'door to open.' Some offer hope to their disappointed friends by saying, "When one door closes, another will open." This statement made me think, what about our windows of opportunity? Windows of opportunity are favorable options for doing something that must be taken immediately. Windows open; however, in time, sometimes known or unknown, the window lowers itself back down to a closed position. If you don't take the chance, the window closes, and you miss that opportunity. My question is, are we ignoring the windows of opportunity because we are waiting for a gold paved path to a huge leaded glass French door? Are we missing out on humble beginnings because we seek more substantial options?  What if the little window we have to crawl through means freedom? What if the small window can be remodeled into a large French door? Are we waiting for the perfect option? Unfortunately, an ideal opportunity may not exist. Are we missin

Stay in Your Lane (?)

Today as I was driving to my father's house, the interstate was busier than usual. Usually, you just fly onto the roadway with a glance to make sure no one is coming. This day was different. This time, I had to carefully merge between a semi-truck and an SUV to get onto the interstate.  After squeezing into my spot on the road, I just drove, keeping up with the semi-truck in front of me.  I went several miles with no thoughts about anything, almost robotically. At that moment, I was very content in my lane.  When I happened to look down at my speedometer, I noticed that I was going five miles under the speed limit, which is entirely unlike me. After realizing how comfortable I was in the right lane going slower than the speed limit, it made me think about life and the decisions we make along the way. At that moment, I was content going slow and enjoying the ease of not making any moves. I thought about times in my life that I had periods just like that: comfortable and with the flo

Celebrating the New Year in the South

  I did not skip the traditional Southern New Year's dinner this year; not because I'm superstitious, but because we can use all of the positive vibes we can get! Additionally, I love southern comfort food, and because 2020 has been a tough year, I needed some comfort in the form of a meal.  For those who are not familiar with the Southern New Year's traditional meal, it consists of black-eyed peas, greens, some form of pork, and cornbread. It is one of the best meals for cold winter nights, so it is a perfect way to start the new year.  Even though today's high was near 70 degrees, we still ate our traditional meal.  Additionally, I love the tradition's humbleness, and it is an inexpensive way to share the new year with others.   While the traditions may vary, here is a little background on the Southern New Year's Meal. Black-eyed peas.  It has been said that during the Civil War, the Union's troops left the black-eyed peas and salted pork because they tho

The Power of Optimism by Cynical Jackie

I admit that I am not the most optimistic person out there. I even garnered the nickname "Cynical Jackie" by a college professor. Nevertheless, I would say I'm actually cautiously optimistic. Namely, I want to be optimistic; however, I always think about the what-ifs. What if it does not happen? What if I fail?  That being said, after a very challenging year, don't we all want to feel like things will get better? We pray or hope that we will get to do the things we missed out on in 2020. We pray or hope that we will get to see our loved ones IN PERSON. We pray or hope that THINGS WILL GO BACK TO NORMAL! I'm not talking about a "new normal." I want normal, normal—the old normal. Actually, a better normal for everybody. We have all struggled in 2020 - some more, some less. I'm thankful that we have endured 2020 together. We may not even know each other, but we are united in struggle. We are also united in hope. So as a reminder to myself and possibly o

Goodbye 2020

Reflecting upon 2020, we have all faced many unexpected challenges. In fact, 2020 may have been one of your most challenging years. You may have lost a job, a relationship, a friend, and/or a family member. I can state without any hesitation, this year has been challenging for all.  When I think about my experiences this year, I know my life will always be different. From how I express my love to others to what groceries I purchase, 2020 has changed me and my life.  But, 2020 has not destroyed you or me. We adapted; we attempted to have a relatively normal life while social distancing, wearing masks, and thinking about our interactions. It is challenging, and frankly, it stinks, and most of us are tired. I long for the day to carelessly board an airplane to see my family members in another state. Or to take a vacation somewhere new and exciting. I've canceled plans to protect myself and my loved ones. Traveling was one of the ways I treated myself, not so much this year. I want to

It Could Always be Worse

"It could always be worse"  is a statement I use all of the time. While I'm not the most optimistic person, I realize that I have it easier than most people in the world. For this reason, I am always incredibly thankful. As a reminder of how "It could always be worse," today, Christmas Day, when all should be fantastic, I woke up with no water. Little did I know that sometime before 10:30 last night, the waterline in front of my house had burst.  This issue could be a significant annoyance and problem for most, especially for those preparing a Christmas meal today. But today, having no water reminded me that "It could always be worse."  Today, I'm mindful that some of my friends are celebrating Christmas for the first time without their spouse, mother, father, etc. Some people can't see their loved ones who are in hospitals or nursing homes. Some people can't afford a Christmas for their family. Others can't afford their water bill or h