
It Could Always be Worse

"It could always be worse"  is a statement I use all of the time. While I'm not the most optimistic person, I realize that I have it easier than most people in the world. For this reason, I am always incredibly thankful. As a reminder of how "It could always be worse," today, Christmas Day, when all should be fantastic, I woke up with no water. Little did I know that sometime before 10:30 last night, the waterline in front of my house had burst.  This issue could be a significant annoyance and problem for most, especially for those preparing a Christmas meal today. But today, having no water reminded me that "It could always be worse."  Today, I'm mindful that some of my friends are celebrating Christmas for the first time without their spouse, mother, father, etc. Some people can't see their loved ones who are in hospitals or nursing homes. Some people can't afford a Christmas for their family. Others can't afford their water bill or h

Yes, I'm a Failure, and It Is OK!

Failure is a harsh word; a word we never want used to describe us or our plans. However, I have had many failures in my life. Moreover , I'm not done failing! One can describe failure as a lack of success or as negligence: not doing something expected. Therefore, failure can be active or passive, and there are thousands, if not millions, of ways to fail in life. To think, how many of us want to pretend the word does not exist? It is easy to think of all that can go right and not consider what could go wrong.  That being said, I know there will be plenty of failures in my future because the day I stop trying is the day I stop failing. Every day I try to be better than I was the day before. So every day that I wake up, I set myself up for failure. Each day that I have to speak in public, I set myself up for failure.  BUT, SO WHAT? So what if you make a mistake? So what if you say the wrong word or can't pronounce something correctly the first time? So what? The biggest mistake yo

Overcoming Disappointments

Failures, setbacks, obstacles, adversities, and dissatisfactions are a few words used to describe disappointments. Like everyone else, there have been numerous times in my life when I have faced d isappointment. Frustrations with my family, friends, job, and the list goes on. The same is probably true for you as well. Whatever name you use: hurts, heartbreaks, challenges, we all face them, and they sting! In fact, people who you love the most will also disappoint you. No one is perfect. Furthermore, as we go throughout our life, we will continue to face disappointments.  It is a given and an absolute: we will face hurt because someone or something lets us down.  However, disappointments do not have to crush our spirits, and we should try to prevent a long-term setback at all costs. Here are some tips that have helped me get through challenges in my life. Think about past situations that disappointed you. Did something good come from it?  If you were passed over for a job, did you get a

Spending Money is Too Darn Easy

Soon, I will be the proud owner of three doormats at @ $40 each ($44.95, $39.95, and $36.95). I just spent over $120 on mats. 😮  IT WAS JUST TOO EASY! Actually, way too easy.  Let me tell you how it happened. First mat:   I saw an ad on Facebook for a "Super Absorbent Magic Doormat." It is just one of many ads I see every day. However, I need a really good mat for my backdoor because my dogs 🐕🐕 bring dirt into the house all of the time.  The mat itself must be made of fibers from heaven because it sure has a hefty price tag. But, I read the reviews, and I decide to order one to try it out. It was expensive, but hey, it is magic, and if it means sweeping less, I'm good with that—at least one to try out.  Second mat:  Oh, but wait, we are offering 60% off if you order another mat RIGHT NOW. Mind you, I have no idea what the original price is, so it sounded like a great bargain, and I need one of these untested miracle mats for my front entry as well. So, I added a second

Stranger Things

My Hooptie House has presented me with several challenges. Specifically, it has left me questioning, what the heck is this, or what in the heck am I going to do with that? 😂 I don't want to cover things up or put lipstick on a pig, as the saying goes; I want to deal with all of the issues. BUT some strange things are going on. I have an attic fan. I had never seen one, and I certainly didn't know what it was for until it was explained to me. Seems interesting; it still works.  I have a very prominent fuse box in the master bedroom that I'm not sure how to disguise. Phone lines: some are covered, some are not.  There is some strange "Tiger King-like" carpet under my "brick" fireplace surround. 🐅 I can only imagine what the whole room would have looked like back in the day. Certainly fit for Carole Baskins.  My guess is that it is similar to what is seen on this link:  70s Mojave Shag Carpet  Seems groovy. 😂😂😂 Outlets were covered up and didn't wo

Nothing Worth it is Easy

  I've wanted to get a fixer-upper for years, and in 2020, the opportunity presented itself. So... I did it! It is a little scary, but it will be worth it. The house is located in an older neighborhood in a great school district and near the beach! 🏫🌅 I have some of the best neighbors too! So, what can go wrong?   Well, nothing is easy, and plenty can go wrong! I know, "Nothing is easy" is the understatement of a lifetime, certainly of 2020. It seems that everything is more challenging this year. Although we face many difficulties, I am also very grateful that I can challenge myself with this house. It can be worrisome, but it is also exciting. I can see the potential in what is now the ugliest home on the street. One day, we will change that.  One great thing about the Hooptie House that I absolutely love is being close to the beach. Not a day goes by that I don't enjoy the view! I feel blessed and more peaceful every time I get to see the beach. Those feelings are

Thanksgiving: A Holiday Created by Adversity

Today is Thanksgiving, or as some say, Turkey Day. Today is a day to spend time with friends and family, give thanks for all that you have, and of course, eat way too much food. 👪🙏🐷 In fact, according to the Calorie Control Council, the average American eats 3,000 calories on Thanksgiving -- for dinner alone. When you add in the calories from drinks, dessert, and appetizers, the total calorie count is closer to 4,500. You read that right, 4,500 calories! 😮 Being from the South, the food is exceptionally delicious, and we probably eat at least 1,500 additional calories for a total of 6,000. I just made that up, but we put extensive effort into having delicious meals. This meal is one way we show our friends and family how much we love them, and each dish is made with extra love and butter.  💓 Our not so traditional Thanksgiving lunch. More importantly, this is also the time of year that we give our resources to others. We provide our time to organizations who need workers for the h