
Showing posts with the label tips to overcome disappointment

Overcoming Disappointments

Failures, setbacks, obstacles, adversities, and dissatisfactions are a few words used to describe disappointments. Like everyone else, there have been numerous times in my life when I have faced d isappointment. Frustrations with my family, friends, job, and the list goes on. The same is probably true for you as well. Whatever name you use: hurts, heartbreaks, challenges, we all face them, and they sting! In fact, people who you love the most will also disappoint you. No one is perfect. Furthermore, as we go throughout our life, we will continue to face disappointments.  It is a given and an absolute: we will face hurt because someone or something lets us down.  However, disappointments do not have to crush our spirits, and we should try to prevent a long-term setback at all costs. Here are some tips that have helped me get through challenges in my life. Think about past situations that disappointed you. Did something good come from it?  If you were passed over for a job, did you get a