
Showing posts with the label failure

Stay in Your Lane (?)

Today as I was driving to my father's house, the interstate was busier than usual. Usually, you just fly onto the roadway with a glance to make sure no one is coming. This day was different. This time, I had to carefully merge between a semi-truck and an SUV to get onto the interstate.  After squeezing into my spot on the road, I just drove, keeping up with the semi-truck in front of me.  I went several miles with no thoughts about anything, almost robotically. At that moment, I was very content in my lane.  When I happened to look down at my speedometer, I noticed that I was going five miles under the speed limit, which is entirely unlike me. After realizing how comfortable I was in the right lane going slower than the speed limit, it made me think about life and the decisions we make along the way. At that moment, I was content going slow and enjoying the ease of not making any moves. I thought about times in my life that I had periods just like that: comfortable and with the flo

Yes, I'm a Failure, and It Is OK!

Failure is a harsh word; a word we never want used to describe us or our plans. However, I have had many failures in my life. Moreover , I'm not done failing! One can describe failure as a lack of success or as negligence: not doing something expected. Therefore, failure can be active or passive, and there are thousands, if not millions, of ways to fail in life. To think, how many of us want to pretend the word does not exist? It is easy to think of all that can go right and not consider what could go wrong.  That being said, I know there will be plenty of failures in my future because the day I stop trying is the day I stop failing. Every day I try to be better than I was the day before. So every day that I wake up, I set myself up for failure. Each day that I have to speak in public, I set myself up for failure.  BUT, SO WHAT? So what if you make a mistake? So what if you say the wrong word or can't pronounce something correctly the first time? So what? The biggest mistake yo