
Showing posts with the label 2020

Goodbye 2020

Reflecting upon 2020, we have all faced many unexpected challenges. In fact, 2020 may have been one of your most challenging years. You may have lost a job, a relationship, a friend, and/or a family member. I can state without any hesitation, this year has been challenging for all.  When I think about my experiences this year, I know my life will always be different. From how I express my love to others to what groceries I purchase, 2020 has changed me and my life.  But, 2020 has not destroyed you or me. We adapted; we attempted to have a relatively normal life while social distancing, wearing masks, and thinking about our interactions. It is challenging, and frankly, it stinks, and most of us are tired. I long for the day to carelessly board an airplane to see my family members in another state. Or to take a vacation somewhere new and exciting. I've canceled plans to protect myself and my loved ones. Traveling was one of the ways I treated myself, not so much this year. I want to