Six Tips to Keep Pursuing Your Life's Goals

If you are anything like me, you have no idea what direction your life is headed. You may know where you think you want to go; however, it just seems that no matter how hard you try, you just can't make it happen. 

Really, I feel like my life compass is way off. I'm trying to go north, and it is taking me due south. It never seems to take me in the direction I want to go. Have you ever felt this way?

Whether you feel this way at work or home, what is one to do about this sometimes soul-crushing feeling? 

I have some tips to help when you are discouraged and need some encouragement in your life. In fact, I use these tips myself because, as I stated before, I have no idea where my life will take me tomorrow or in the next five years. 

Never give up. It can be challenging; however, if you give up, you will never accomplish your goals. 

Don't listen to naysayers. Sometimes your closest friends will not understand why you want to head in a specific direction. Not only will that cause conflict, but it could also make you lose your motivation. Therefore, be careful with whom you share your goals and dreams. If they aren't there to support you, you don't need to include them. 

Keep the negative thoughts out of your mind too. I know; I know. Sometimes it is challenging to stay positive. However, if you always think about reasons something won't work, the chances are that they won't work. Don't bring negativity into your life. 

Determine if there is something better out there for you. You may be selling yourself short. If you're not advancing at work, maybe you should try to work for yourself. Or look for a new position with a new company.

Be flexible. You may not know where the next step will take you, but it may take you to the next and better opportunity. 

Be willing to fail. Yes, I said, "BE WILLING TO FAIL." We like to mention our successes; however, we learn much from our failures. If we are too afraid to err, we will never fly. We can't be too scared to take chances in life. Weigh the risks and benefits, and then go!

Those are my tips for how to keep pursuing the purposes of our lives. What would you add to my list?

Be blessed,

Jackie W.


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