Don't Ignore Your Window of Opportunity

People tend to wait for the proverbial 'door to open.' Some offer hope to their disappointed friends by saying, "When one door closes, another will open." This statement made me think, what about our windows of opportunity?

Windows of opportunity are favorable options for doing something that must be taken immediately. Windows open; however, in time, sometimes known or unknown, the window lowers itself back down to a closed position. If you don't take the chance, the window closes, and you miss that opportunity.

My question is, are we ignoring the windows of opportunity because we are waiting for a gold paved path to a huge leaded glass French door? Are we missing out on humble beginnings because we seek more substantial options? 

What if the little window we have to crawl through means freedom? What if the small window can be remodeled into a large French door? Are we waiting for the perfect option? Unfortunately, an ideal opportunity may not exist.

Are we missing the fact that most people will have to work their butts off to be successful? It may not be easy for you or me, and it probably won't. 

So, what can you do right now to prepare for a window of opportunity?

Ways to be ready when a window of opportunity opens.

Figure out what you want! This aspect seems like it should be easy; however, with so many options seeking our attention and time, do we know what we want from life? What exactly do we think success is for us?

Research, plan, and research some more. Do your research while waiting for something to happen, the economy to get better, the stock market to change, etc. Use the downtime to prepare for future success. 

Perform a SWOT analysis on yourself. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and this analysis is useful for strategizing or business planning. While waiting for the appropriate moment to change, study yourself, and know more about the internal and external forces you will face. You can Google SWOT analysis and find plenty of resources to examine yourself and your business plan. 

Get your resources in order. If you know that you need to save some money to be ready, focus on doing so. Do you need to free up time in your busy schedule? Figure out a plan to do so. 

Develop your team. You may need help from others, or you may need a crew to be your cheerleaders. Now is the time to create your team. 

Be patient. This tidbit is difficult for me to offer because I'm not the most patient person; however, I realize that many things in life require patience. While I don't believe in waiting for the perfect time, you need to prepare for the right time. 

Don't compare yourself to anyone else. This aspect is also very challenging for me. I tend to compare where I am in life with others. It is a little amusing that I'm still challenged with this, knowing that we all face issues. It just seems so easy for some people, and I want to be "some people." 

Those are my tips on preparing for your window of opportunities. Remember, don't wait for a door to open when you already have a window of opportunity!

What would you add to my list? Comment below.

Be blessed,

Jackie W.


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