It Could Always be Worse

"It could always be worse" is a statement I use all of the time. While I'm not the most optimistic person, I realize that I have it easier than most people in the world. For this reason, I am always incredibly thankful.

As a reminder of how "It could always be worse," today, Christmas Day, when all should be fantastic, I woke up with no water. Little did I know that sometime before 10:30 last night, the waterline in front of my house had burst. 

This issue could be a significant annoyance and problem for most, especially for those preparing a Christmas meal today. But today, having no water reminded me that "It could always be worse." 

Today, I'm mindful that some of my friends are celebrating Christmas for the first time without their spouse, mother, father, etc. Some people can't see their loved ones who are in hospitals or nursing homes. Some people can't afford a Christmas for their family. Others can't afford their water bill or have never had running water. 

I'm also reminded that the holidays aren't about what items you receive. It is about friends, family, and the reasons we celebrate. It is about trying to connect with those we have not seen in whichever way we can today. 

So, as irritating it is not to be able to wash my hands whenever I want/need to or take a shower this morning, I recognize that I have so much to be thankful for. 

I'm thankful that I was able to celebrate Christmas yesterday with my sons, new daughter-in-law, and her family. It was a great 'First' Christmas as a new family, and I'm thrilled I have a new daughter who is very thoughtful and loving. I'm thankful that instead of losing family members, we have gained family members.

I'm thankful that I recently moved into a house surrounded by great neighbors. I'm grateful that I have a work family and not just people with whom I work. 

I'm thankful that I have heat in my home to keep me warm. I'm grateful that I usually have water at the turn of a knob. 

I'm thankful for those working today to make sure everyone has the utilities they need. I'm grateful for those working in emergency services, hospitals, nursing homes, and all of the ones making sure we can have a safe holiday. 

Today, I'm very thankful. Even though Christmas 2020 started with a challenge, I sit here listening to the utility crew working, even on Christmas Day, to ensure we get our water restored. 

Make sure to spend some time thinking about what you have in your life to be thankful for. 

Be blessed,

Jackie W.


  1. I love reading you stories, they make so much sense. Thanks for all that you do. I'm so negative all the time and then I read something like this and it really makes you reflect. Merry Christmas Jackie.

    1. Thank you for your kind comment, and Merry Christmas to you as well. I love to share my experiences (good and bad).
      Because, I can also quickly become negative and depressed, I use gratitude and thankfulness as my coping mechanisms.


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