Goodbye 2020

Reflecting upon 2020, we have all faced many unexpected challenges. In fact, 2020 may have been one of your most challenging years. You may have lost a job, a relationship, a friend, and/or a family member. I can state without any hesitation, this year has been challenging for all. 

When I think about my experiences this year, I know my life will always be different. From how I express my love to others to what groceries I purchase, 2020 has changed me and my life. 

But, 2020 has not destroyed you or me. We adapted; we attempted to have a relatively normal life while social distancing, wearing masks, and thinking about our interactions. It is challenging, and frankly, it stinks, and most of us are tired.

I long for the day to carelessly board an airplane to see my family members in another state. Or to take a vacation somewhere new and exciting. I've canceled plans to protect myself and my loved ones. Traveling was one of the ways I treated myself, not so much this year.

I want to eat at a restaurant and not worry about who sat there before me and was the table cleaned adequately. Heaven forbid someone coughs or something gets stuck in your throat! Are you standing too close to someone? Is someone standing too close to you? 

However, I have never been one to live in the past. With COVID-19, I'm the same way. Yes - we will be dealing with sickness in 2021. However, I am optimistic that it will subside. I am hopeful that I will feel safe to take an airplane trip, and I am praying I will remain healthy. If 2020 showed us anything, it is that if you have your health, you are fortunate. 

The following are some lessons I have learned from 2020:

  • Love those around you and never waste the opportunity to tell them how much you care. Life is precious, and we are not guaranteed another day. If you have not spoken to someone in a while, make contact: phone, video chat, even a text is better than nothing.

  • Love yourself while you are at it! We generously show love to others, but how much love do you give yourself? If this is an area in which you struggle, put some effort into self-love. You are a beautiful, unique individual, and the world is better with you in it just the way you are!

  • It's not all about us and our needs. Shocker, I know. The earth rotates around the sun, not us. No matter how beautiful, smart, or interesting we are, there's always someone a little better. Practice more humility, and let's be less self-absorbed.

  • Never give up trying. Your dreams are something you should always keep working towards. Times in our life may require us to pause; however, you can still research and plan your next steps. Any forward progression is excellent. 

  • Don't settle for bad relationships. Investing time with the wrong people is useless. Expecting someone to give you what you need when they show you that they are incapable of that is futile. 

  • Show yourself some compassion. You should save some compassion for yourself. If you made a mistake, talk to yourself like a friend and not an enemy. Don't be your harshest critic. People tend to overthink their mistakes: big and little. 

  • If you can't change your circumstances, change how you feel about your situation. Bad things happen. Try to look for the positives when dealing with a bad situation. 

  • Drop the hurt, anger, or pettiness.  Sometimes we get angry and can't let stuff go. If that is something you struggle with, you are hurting yourself more than the offender. 

  • Just because you think it doesn't mean you have to say it! Sometimes it is best to shut up. Remember the saying, If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all? We should all probably practice this more often. 

  • It is okay to disagree respectfully.  Have you ever been trolled in real life or on the internet? Geez, can't we respectfully agree to disagree? We all have different opinions on all sorts of topics. Our views are often based on our own past experiences. If you haven't experienced someone else's reality, maybe your thoughts are not accurate to their point of view. It's okay. Let it go. 

  • Practice gratitude. Practicing gratitude is a great way to change your viewpoint on your past and current situations. Focus on the things in your life that are going well. Be thankful that you are healthy. Be grateful that your circumstances are better than others who are struggling. 

  • Choose kindness.  Honestly, we don't know what someone is dealing with in their personal life; let's show some grace. When you can choose to be angry, choose kind. 

  • Be thoughtful.  Don't be self-centered. Think of others before yourself.

  • Believe in yourself. You will have friends and family members who do not understand why you are doing what you are doing. If it is a positive change, don't let their negative attitudes prevent you from moving forward. You got this!

  • Own less stuff. Don't get overloaded with stuff. Stuff that brings joy is good; things that interfere with your well-being is not beneficial. 

  • Be more patient. Enjoy your moments while waiting; listen to music or meditate. Even during the phases of life where not much seems to be happening for you, practice patience. 

  • Do what you love to do! What brings you a moment of happiness or joy? I love to laugh and be silly, and given the opportunity to make someone laugh, I will take it.

  • Find your happy place. Where do you feel the most peaceful? If you have not found a location, create one. I'm not big on spending money and am quite frugal; however, creating a safe and comfortable place for you is advantageous for your mental health and will pay off in your quality of life. So, stay within your budget, make small changes, and it will be money well spent.

What has the past year taught you? Leave a comment below. 

Be blessed,

Jackie W.


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