Life Should Always be a Little Sweeter at Home

When I think about the times I have been away from my home, whether taking a vacation or visiting friends, I have always felt happy to return home. No matter how nice the hotel or friend's house is, It is never as comfortable as your own dwelling. 

In particular, I have a very modest fixer-upper that you can view at As you can see, I do not live in a home that looks like it belongs in Architectural Digest. Far from it! Yet, it is always just a little sweeter at my house. 

In fact, I have only lived in my "Hooptie House" for a couple of months; however, it is starting to feel like home. Even with a long list of things I want to change about it, it is still my place. A place that I can relax and unwind after a long day at work. A place that I can hide away from people when I need to escape the hustle and bustle of people and things around me. 

Now, my home is far from perfect, and if I were to have you over, you would see all of the projects I have to make it a great home. However, it is still my refuge. Thus, I feel very fortunate to have a roof over my head.

Even though, if you are like me, you may focus on the negatives of your house; the things you don't like. Or, you may worry about the long list of to-dos and the short bank account balance to do those things. This period is when patience is a virtue. Be selective about your projects or purchases. Pick small actions to make your house a little sweeter. 

Warning: Do not get caught up in the comparison trap and start comparing your home to other people's homes. Some people will have a better house or belongings than you, and guess what? Some will. The comparison mindset is unhelpful and unnecessary. Your home is your refuge: a place to retreat to when you need a break and a lovely place to lay your head. Think about how fortunate you are to have a residence, even if it is a hooptie just like mine. 

Some points to remember on your way to a sweeter home and life:

A clean home is a sweet home.  Clutter, dust, pet hair, oh my. When my house is untidy, it impacts my happiness. Conversely, when I'm feeling sad or down, I can allow my home to get messy. So, decluttering or deep cleaning your home may be the first step or maybe the only step required for having a sweeter home. My advice is to start cleaning and see where that action leads. 

Additionally, don't forget the power of scent. Nothing is worse than walking into a sour-smelling home. On the other hand, nothing is nicer than walking into a room with a pleasant, comforting, or rejuvenating fragrance. Whether you use a plugin, candle, or diffuser, using scent will make your home a little sweeter. 

KISS: keep it simple, stupid. Yes, I'm talking to myself here. Start small and straightforward. For example, I am in the decision-making process to address my dining room. There are things I need and things I want. Specifically, I would love to install wainscoting! I think it would look great in that space. However, suppose I spend more money than necessary in the dining room. In that case, I will have less money to do something else in another area. Therefore, my goal is to keep it simple and select projects that will make a significant impact yet be budget-friendly. Plus, I can always add wainscoting at a later time. For now, budget-friendly trim is what is required.  

Prioritize needs over wants. This area is where I struggle. I want so many things in my new house; however, those items can usually wait. For example, I want a new side-by-side refrigerator: a shiny, stainless beauty. I have researched and researched to find the one I want; however, I do not need a new refrigerator. I have a working refrigerator. It is an ugly, sad-looking refrigerator: dated, white with a black refrigerator seal, but it works.

For this reason, I have told a close friend that he needs to remind me that I do not need a new refrigerator right now. The phrase, right now, is pivotal for me. Eventually, I will have the money to purchase a new shiny, stainless steel beauty, but currently, I have other needs to address first. 

Be honest about your ability to finish a project. Sometimes I allow myself to get overstretched or overbudget. Maybe it is from a lack of planning, or it may be from unexpected issues. In my Hooptie House, I've already experienced unforeseen problems. So now, when I start a project, I expect to have some complications. 

Also, be honest; if you don't have the time to replace the flooring in your house, wait until you do, or you can hire someone to install them. If you do not have carpentry skills, hire that portion of your project to someone who does. You do not have to do everything yourself, no matter what the DIY experts do.

Remember, you are not in a competition. You can take your time to finish your projects. When I purchased my home, I gave myself at least two years to get my house finished. At least, it could be longer, and if it is, so what? I'm not in a race. I don't want to stress myself or my budget.

Lastly, most people, myself included, live on a budget. So, it is crucial to plan any projects as thoroughly as possible. Be that as it may, you can still perform little changes that make your home a little sweeter every day.  

What are some ways you make your home a little sweeter? Please share in the comments. 

Be blessed, 

Jackie W.


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