
Frugality: the quality of being economical with money or food; thriftiness.

I admit... I am frugal with money AND food! It is amusing to others some of the things I don't like to pay for. 

1. I eat at my workplace's cafeteria; however, I won't purchase the entrΓ©e because I don't want to pay a lot for lunch. I eat vegetables, a wrap, or a salad. I never like to pay over $3.75 for my daily lunch. When I order the salad, I don't pay for the extra "protein." No matter how good the shrimp, chicken, or steak looks, I get the free protein: eggs, bacon, and beans. Even the cashiers know I don't get the extra protein.πŸ˜‚ Luckily in the South, the vegetables are AMAZING, and our cafeteria has fantastic food! πŸ˜‹

2. It does not matter whose budget it is; I'm still frugal. I try to get what I need at the lowest cost. You want extra paper plates? Napkins? Let me think about that! 😬

3. Jeans day. We can wear jeans on Fridays if we make a monthly $10 donation to our workplace foundation's cancer fund. It started after the first Friday of November; therefore, I began calculating how much it costs to wear jeans for three Fridays instead of four. Seriously! 😏 My coworker, who knows my tendencies, noticed what I was doing and thankfully reminded me that it was for the cancer fund. She knows how giving I truly am, but at that moment, I was way too frugal.

4. And yes, I can be a Grinch. I love to give gifts, but I don't like how commercialized the holidays are. I prefer experiences over things. I rather have a good dinner with friends than a gift. 

I feel that my frugality is useful; however, it has to be managed. I never want to do things cheaply or not give to others. I don't want to not enjoy my life because I won't spend money. So, it is definitely a balance for me, one that isn't always easy at the moment.

It should be interesting to see just how "Frugal Jackie" spends her money on the Hooptie House. Stay tuned! 

Do you guys have stories of your frugality? Has COVID-19 made you more frugal? Please share in the comments!

Be blessed!

Jackie W.



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